Michael Easley In Context Dr. Carl Trueman Lecture series originally given at the 2019 Blue Ridge Bible Conference: Gender, Sexuality, and What it Means to be Human. This is an excellent review of cultural changes over the last 300 - 400 years that provide the broader background and context.
The video above was downloaded from the Vimeo Page Link above
The Mighty Influence of a Praying Mom: Rhonwyn Kendrick’s Story
How To Bless Your Grandchildren Beyond What You Can Imagine By Larry Fowler
Blessing your grandchildren - simply the most effective, positive, easy, meaningful, Biblical, and practical thing that you can add to your “grandparenting arsenal.”
This video above is being temporarily posted due to the content associated with blessing your grandchildren. It was the latest reply, so we don't expect it will be available for viewing next week.
DTS Chapel - Ministering to Today's Family Mr. Ron Deal, director of FamilyLife Blended in Little Rock, AR, discusses how non-traditional family structures are becoming more normal and the power of the gospel through the church’s ministry in this new reality. RIghtNow Media Blended Family Ministry
Here are a couple of ideas for age appropriate periodic delivery gifts for grandchildren that can be used as a fun project or reading material that get sent our every month. Please let me know if you recommend others.
This is a must see video from Dr. Evans on leaving a legacy. It is available on RightNowMedia. An account is available to attendees of Immanuel Bible Church