“The student, by means of the Spirit, demonstrates increasing love and devotion to God and loving service to others
Communication Goal
I will engage and understand the men’s ministry needs as they existing within the Immanuel’s current ministry profile
I will deepen my personal relationship with my wife and kids
I will build an expectations plan for our personal grandparenting role with my wife and daughter that affirms our desires and expectations to support parenting role
I will be involved in a mentorship/men’s ministry morning program weekly with my mentor
Attend at least three open elder meetings where men’s ministry topics will be discussed
I will develop a prayer of the heart for each member of my family that reflects my hope and prayer for God’s leading and blessing
I will walk three times a week with my wife for exercise and fellowship
I will read one men’s ministry books recommended by my mentor
Tender Warrior by Stu Webber
I will develop a list of 30 verses to instruct and encourage that reflect my love, admiration and pride for the family.
Quarterly Ministry Lunch with my mentor to review men’s ministry activities and lay out any other areas needed for support. This can involve my mentor or secondary mentor
Book completed by 7 Mar 20
Completed list of 30 verses applicable to family encouragement and support.
Exceed 10 miles a month of neighborhood exercise walking with my wife